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Book: Chasing Rabbits

Chasing Rabbits
Non-fiction: Illustrated Memoir & Creativity
96 pages • full color
+ bonus 24-page “Girl, Grandma” ‘zine

Purchase here on this website! $28.00 + $5.00 shipping (U.S. only at this time)

Hi Everyone!

“Chasing Rabbits” is an assignment I give while teaching (and to myself) that is about being free to discover what happens, rather than be intentional about the end product . . . a time to chase ideas, maybe not ever quite catch them but have a wonderful time in the process. And so for a long time now I have wanted to create a publication that had the FEELING of chasing rabbits.

In the beginning I thought it was going to be a really big book filled with every single piece of artwork I’ve made and every single thing I’ve ever written in my journals and blog posts and newsletters over the years!

Ha! That was never going to happen . . . . So instead I began to think of it as more of a serial book/magazine hybrid that includes drawings, paintings, sketches and scribbles as well as notes, musings and stories divided into three sections: Life, Creativity and the Pursuit of Happiness (with an emphasis on the word “pursuit” because, you know, life is hard). This is the first issue.

I really hope you like it!



Inside Peek:

Section 1: Life

The first section includes writing and images that tell the story of my childhood and adulthood (Incomplete! More to come!). It includes an annotated map of my childhood home, Greeting Cards to People from My Past, a selection of illustrated journal pages, and more.

Section 2: Creativity

I am tremendously lucky to be able to teach my passion: art and creativity. This section includes three mixed-media how-to projects and some other fun ways to think about our art.

Section  3: Pursuit of Happiness

I am a chronic documenter of my feelings, with hundreds of completed journals that I’ve kept on and off since high school.  In this section I’ve paired artworks with various journal excerpts, blog posts and other writings. 

And don’t forget that this issue includes a “Girl, Grandma” Board-Book ‘Zine!