Bookbinding: Buttonhole Stitch
Instructor: Bari Zaki
Two-Week Class • 4 Lessons
Now available as a self-study class.
In this class we will be making a beautiful handmade journal using the buttonhole-stitch technique – a non-adhesive style binding.
It’s a delightful binding style (no glue!) and the book we’ll make is wonderful for journaling, sketching, doodling, drawing, or to use as a photo album or keepsake book. With the little window on the spine, it might be fun to alternate the colors of your pages. It also makes for a great gift anytime of the year!
I look forward to sharing my love of paper and making books with you in this two week course!
For a list of supplies needed, click HERE.
Class Itinerary:
Lesson 1 – Folding Signatures
Today we’re going to create our book pages by folding three of our full-size sheets of paper in half, in half, in half, and in half again until we reach the finished size for our book pages.
Lesson 2 – Creating the Book Cover
Today we’re going to create the decorative cover for our books. And we begin first with making a paper-sandwich with our decorative paper, twin-tac, & water-color paper. Then, we’ll cut and fold to create our cover!
Week 2
Lesson 3 – Sewing Your Book
Today were going to pierce the holes in our signatures for sewing and sew the book together with the buttonhole stitch.
Lesson 4 – The Finish
Today we begin briefly with reveling in our happy moment, we’ve made a book! And now we get to finish off the inside of the covers by creating a pocket and adding a ribbon closure.

Bari Zaki has been a professional bookbinder for 28 years, and a paper person her entire life. Her dad, a printer, regularly brought home paper in various forms: stacks of paper, scraps of paper, pads of paper…and assorted printed samples. This was her FAVORITE part of the day.
Here’s how this online class works:
• During the two weeks of class, you will receive an email each Tuesday and Thursday with a reminder to visit the class blog for that day’s lesson.
• A password-protected blog dedicated to each class will serve as our clubhouse and where you will find all the class materials as they are uploaded.
• A Facebook group will be created for you to (optionally) share your paintings, and enjoy and learn from the artwork of others. (However, if you are shy about posting your art, Bari is always available to look at your work via email.)
• The class materials will be up and available for download indefinitely, if for some reason you need to miss a day (or a couple of weeks).

• Class fee is good for participants living in a single household.
QUESTIONS? [email protected]
FAQs – If you’ve never taken an online class before and would like to know more about our online classes, click HERE.