Carla’s 2025 Art Club

January 2, 2015

Hello! Thank you so much again for signing up for the 2025 Art Club! I am so happy you are here.

Here is a PDF link to a worksheet I made for our New Year’s  Zoom Session. It’s silly, but I hope you enjoy it!



The Forums are now open! Participation is completely optional but can be the best way to stay connected with the lessons and each other. We’ve gotten feedback over the years that ours are some of the nicest forums around, so please join in if you can!

Our main group is at Facebook, but there is a small group for those not on Facebook who can interact via Padlet. (Please just choose one forum to post in to avoid double postings.) Here are the links… for FB, ask to join and we will get you in asap!




Here is the coupon code for 10% off all of our online classes:


Just type into the coupon box during your order. If you have any trouble, email [email protected] and he will help you out! (For your personal use only… thank you!)

Thank you so much again for your signup! and we’ll send you an email with more information on Friday, January 10th… our first official club day!

In the meantime, I hope you can take time the next week to rest and gently enter 2025!



2024: Creativity Lab
24 Live Work Sessions via Zoom
24+ Downloadable PDFs
Discount Codes

Thank you so much again for signing up for this year’s Art Club!

We will meet formally for the first time on Friday, January 7th, but we will also have an OPEN Zoom session welcoming in the new year on Wednesday, January 1st! Details soon!

The forums for the class will also open on January 1st, and you will receive an email with your 2025 discount codes that day as well.

Times for Zoom Sessions.
We have two times for the Zoom lessons so that people from all over the world can join for at least one of the sessions. The times are 5pm PT on Fridays and 11am PT on Saturdays of the scheduled days. Click HERE to see what time it is in your time zone! I will send out email reminders a half hour before each Zoom Session (but please mark the dates on your calendar as well as technology fails us sometimes!).

Note: Live participation in the Zoom sessions is optional! We will record the session and it will be available a few days afterwards if you would like to receive the session that way.

Here is the schedule (click to print a copy)



Downloadable PDFs

I’m planning on making a lot of these,  but promise to provide at least two per month. These will be available on an as-published basis but my goal is to drop them around the times of each Zoom session. Details forthcoming!



This year is about showing up together and drawing and making our art. You will just need the art supplies you like to use and already have on hand! Pens, pencils, markers and paper… also, you might want a printer to print out the PDF worksheets, and a 3-ring binder to house everything!

Thank you so much again  and I can’t wait to share art with you this year.
