Hello Friends!
Woot woot! It’s almost time to begin our Paper Love adventure! I’m so excited to share with you my very first “art love” with you all—hand painting paper and cut paper collage! It was really how being a career artist all began for me and it has such a special place in my heart. I know you are going to love this medium because it is both playful and meditative, both simple and intricate, both basic and sophisticated. I can’t wait to see all the ways you are going to make it your own!
I think most people have been able to source the kozo paper. If you are planning to be a part of the Facebook group, please feel free to introduce yourself and tell us a little bit about what you are all about. I love sharing stuff on Facebook so I will really enjoy seeing your posts.
If you have questions or concerns, please just ask!

Hand-Painted Paper Supplies
- Acrylic Paint: Warms (red, yellow, orange), Cools (blue, green, purple), Neutrals (white, gray, brown, black)
- White gesso
- Found objects to make marks and patterns with (household stuff or things you might find at a dollar store)
- Paint palette or paper plates
- Paintbrushes (flat 1″, a hardware-type 2″, and a “junk” brush— big, junky or old brush for dripping)
- Spatter Screen (http://www.cheapjoes.com/cheap-joes-spatter-screens.html)
- Brayer
- Variety of stencils
- Sponges—natural sea sponge, kitchen sponge and foam sponge
- Sgraffito tool— clay tool, skewer or even a sharp pencil
- Kozo paper (6MMK, 11″x 60’ roll by Yasutomo), cut about 20 12″ pieces for painting http://www.jerrysartarama.com/yasutomo-hosho-and-kozo-paper?gclid=CP74ibmi2M4CFVFbhgod_FMKlA
A Note from Dar
I have gotten a few email messages about the paper we are painting. It seems that Jerry’s Artarama, the source I posted on the supply list, is out of the particular size I told you to get. I have since sourced it on Amazon (who actually has it in a suggested “combo” with the adhesive film so I guess some of you already found it there!), DickBlick.com, School Specialty Marketplace, and Walmart.com. I think that if you put the exact words “Yasutomo 6mmk Kozo Paper 11×60 roll” into Google, you will come up with several other sources all around the same price.
For those of you who purchased rice paper instead, I can’t say for sure how that will work as I’ve not used it for the painting techniques that I cover in the course, but I would definitely give it a try. My sense is that rice paper comes in a variety of thicknesses and I do have some in my own studio that is labeled as “practice” rice paper and feels like it would behave in the same way as Kozo.
Our Facebook page opens this Friday so I will be able to answer further questions then. In the meantime, just Google to see if you can find the Yasutomo roll. It looks like there are several places online to get it!
Cut-Paper Collage Supplies
- Magazines with bright colors to cut from (travel, wildlife, garden, etc.)
- Scissors
- Glue Stick
- Copy paper or colored construction paper for warm up collages
- Acrylic Paint: Warms (red, yellow, orange), Cools (blue, green, purple), Neutrals (white, gray, brown, black) and Metallic (gold, silver or both)
- Paint palette or paper plates
- One piece of 22″x30″ watercolor paper, 140 lb. hot press, cut into fourths
- hardware brush, 2″
- Small, round detail brush (#2)
- Brayer
- Sponges—natural sea sponge, kitchen sponge and foam sponge
- water container
- Scrap cardboard or matboard
- Sticky back craft foam
- Hand-carved stamp “pink stuff” and carving tools OPTIONAL!
- Kozo paper (6MMK, 11″x 60’ roll by Yasutomo), cut into a minimum of six 12” pieces for painting OR your own collection of handpainted/collage papers http://www.jerrysartarama.com/yasutomo-hosho-and-kozo-paper?gclid=CP74ibmi2M4CFVFbhgod_FMKlA
- Positionable Mounting Adhesive by 3M (“PMA”) One 11”x50’ roll. https://www.amazon.com/3M-568-Positionable-Mounting-Adhesive/dp/B000JGQM1Q
- Ruler, pencil and scissors/blade
- Pictures of flowers—either books, magazines or printed out from internet
- Black Sharpie
- Tracing paper
- Oil pastels
- Empty container for discarded backing
- Acrylic Inks in white, black, gold/silver (off white/cream is optional, as well as other colors)
- Speedball type “calligraphy” dip pen handle with “Bowl Pointed Nib” (#512 and #513 are what I use)
- Spray fixative OPTIONAL
Nuts & Bolts
Here’s how this online class works:
• As a self-study class, so you have access to all of the lessons right now and can work the lessons on your own timetable.
• You have indefinite access to this class.
• You can (optionally) share your work with Dar via email or via the class Facebook page. Since this is now a self-study class, you will need to let Dar know if you upload work, as she doesn’t check the Facebook page as regularly. Click this link and ask to join the group!
• Class fee is good for participants living in a single household.
Thank you so much for being here! We are here to help in any way:
TECHNICAL ISSUES: If you are having trouble loading our videos or experiencing other technical problems, please click HERE.
CLASS CONTENT: If you have questions about this class and would like to contact Dar directly at For questions regarding the lesson, please email Dar directly at [email protected].