Welcome to Kids Art Week with Carla Sonheim, Diane Culhane, and Lynn Whipple! We are delighted that you joined us, and truly look forward to seeing your wonderful creations next week (and beyond!)
Gather your supplies, join the Facebook group, and get ready!

Here’s a list of the supplies that you’ll need for this class:
- Small set of water soluble markers (such as Crayolas)
- Pencil
- Wax crayons
- Oil pastels
- Small set of watercolors
- Paintbrushes, small and medium
- Acrylic paints (including red, yellow, blue, black). Can also use tempera paints.
- Large black marker
- Black construction paper (or similar), about 5-6 sheets, 9″x12″ (can be larger or smaller).
- Watercolor paper or stiff paper… about 3-4 sheets, 9″x12″ (can be larger or smaller)
- Scissors
- Glue stick
- String
- Hole punch