Painting with Junko Yamamoto
Painting with Junko Yamamoto
6 Lessons
Thank you so much for signing up for “Painting with Junko Yamamoto!”
We hope you enjoy the class! I’ve included the supply list below for your convenience.
Thank you again!
• a selection of acrylic paints (Junko prefers Golden Fluids). Junko recommends the primary colors (yellow, blue, red), white and raw umber. (No need to purchase these, but Junko’s favorite colors are GOLDEN Manganese blue hue and she likes the following Pinks from Sennelier: Rose Quinacridone #658 and Rose Fluorescent #654.)
• gloss medium (like this one)
• brushes of various sizes and shapes, including a stencil brush (Junko makes her own with inexpensive 1/2″- 3/4″ rounds)
• 20″ x 20″ canvas or similar
• soft brayer
• mixing palette
• mixing knife
• squeeze bottle applicator
• for stencils: Sharpie, exacto knife, cutting mat, transparency film
Optional: vinyl gloves