I’m excited to be painting with you! In this class will create a single large, gold-leafed and acrylic painting from start to finish.
I love painting nature and In this class we are going to create an imaginary garden. We’ll be thinking about the seasons and putting elements of all four into one painting… birds of Spring and the seed pods of Fall. This way of working allows us to combine the things we see around us with our own imagination without being held back by pure realism.
I’ll show you my techniques from planning and sketching to mixing color and creating dimension and movement. I will also demonstrate how to add gold leaf using two different methods that you can choose from.
It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner or advanced; painting for me is about being happy, making paintings that are fun to look at and especially fun to make!
The Forums are now open! Participation is completely optional but can be the best way to stay connected with the lessons and each other. We’ve gotten feedback over the years that ours are some of the nicest forums around, so please join in if you can!
Our main group is at Facebook, but there is a small group for those not on Facebook who can interact via Padlet. (Please just choose one forum to post in to avoid double postings.) Here are the links… for FB, ask to join and we will get you in asap!