Thank you so much for signing up for “Portraits with Aris Moore!”
Above is a “Lesson 0” video where Aris quickly talks about the photographs you will need to have ready for Lesson 1. (And HERE is the PDF she referred to if you would rather use these provided photos!)
Lessons are prerecorded and are available at 1amPT on the following schedule:
Lesson 1 – Tuesday, February 4
Lesson 2 – Wednesday, February 5
Lesson 3 – Friday, February 7
Lesson 4 – Tuesday, February 11
Lesson 5 – Thursday, February 13
The Forums are now open! Participation is completely optional but can be the best way to stay connected with the lessons and each other. We’ve gotten feedback over the years that ours are some of the nicest forums around, so please join in if you can!
Our main group is at Facebook, but there is a small group for those not on Facebook who can interact via Padlet. (Please just choose one forum to post in to avoid double postings.) Here are the links… for FB, ask to join and we will get you in asap!
Thank you so much again for your signup and we’ll see you soon!
Supply List
Hi! I have provided links for your convenience, but please feel free to substitute any of these materials with supplies you already have on hand! –Aris
• Gather at least 10 photographic images of men, women, children etc. from different periods. They can be in color, black and white, or sepia. It will be interesting to have a range in terms of color and size. Print the portraits as large as possible on a 8.5″x11″ paper (at least two of each portrait so you will feel free to cut them up for various things). I look for different expressions. hairstyles, patterns in fabric etc.
HERE is the PDF that you can print out and use if desired, however using these references is completely optional!
• exacto knife and cutting mat.
• cameraphone or camera
• About 8-10 sheets of 8.5 x 11 in. drawing paper. I work on moleskine sketchbook paper, ! like it because it is cream, very smooth and thick. Cardstock will work great as well or really any drawing paper that you already have or like. You just want it to be thicker than copy paper.
• A variety of pens, pencils, colored pencils, alcohol markers, paint markers, ballpoint pens anything you have or would like to get.
• Gather a variety of paper that you can find around the house, paper bags, post it notes, envelopes, manilla folders, tracing paper, construction papers in different colors, manila paper, notebook paper, tea-stained paper, etc.
• White eraser (or whatever you like as an eraser)
• Glue stick and scissors
HERE is the PDF she referred to if you would rather use these provided photos!)