The Collage Techniques of Anne Marie Grgich

Visionary Anne Marie Grgich generously shares her lifelong passion for making art. In this nine-lesson class you will learn step-by-step the Grgich technique as she demonstrates mixed-media elements of ornamentation, printing, drawing, painting and cold wax treatment. You’ll assemble overlays of collage and cutouts and build up color fields and use subliminal tactics, such as overpainting collage with glow-in-the-dark paint, to achieve a deep transparent layering.


Thank you so much for signing up to my class, it is really going to be awesome and I am looking forward to teaching you.  I have been obsessed with painting faces and collage and art for a very long time, and I must warn that it’s infectious.

Today’s video will get you started collecting what you’ll need for your collage. I suggest keeping your eyes open for interesting flat objects and art books. I love metaphysical illustrations, shells, bird eggs. And ancient artifacts, faces, and Frida.

Email me if you have any questions.

Thank you,

[email protected]