The Doodle and The Painting

In this painting class we will work with line quality, color mixing, composition and design. I hope it will feed you, fill you up, and make you long for more exploration into your doodles and harvest the gold that is already inside of you.


This class is about growing our doodles into large 30″x30″ paintings. We all have natural creative impulses, and our simplest drawings contain everything we need to to start (and finish!) big wonderful paintings.

The process I will teach comes from my own journey and we will go step by step from tiny drawings to completed works.

I am excited to share my discoveries about how to take what is already in you — your imagery, your marks, your voice (your DOODLE style!) — and give it direction and intent.

In this painting class we will work with line quality, color mixing, composition and design. I hope it will feed you, fill you up, and make you long for more exploration into your doodles and harvest the gold that is already inside of you.

If you’ve taken the first class, Doings of a Do-o-dle, you’ve already made a start… and this class will continue to take you deeper into your own self expression.

I hope you will join me!

Buckets of Joy,
Diane Culhane