Painting Flowers with Acrylics

Self-Study Class Includes Lifetime Access, Online Community & More!

6 Lessons – $49

Acrylics paints are beautiful—the medium is creamy, colorful, and very versatile. Fred Lisaius introduces beginners to painting with acrylics and aims to excite more advanced students with new information and techniques.

Now available as a self-study class.

TEACHER: Fred Lisaius

Class Description

Create a beautiful floral diptych with Fred Lisaius! Seattle artist Fred Lisaius is known for his stunning, unique floral paintings. Luckily, he is a very generous artist and is happy to share his acrylic techniques with us!

Class Itinerary

Lesson 1: Overview of Supplies; Design your Diptych

Lesson 2: Squeegee & Brayered Underpainting

Lesson 3: Masking Techniques

Lesson 4: Paint the Flowers

Lesson 5: Finishing the Flowers

Lesson 6: Preparing the paintings for display







  1. Two 10×14-inch gessoed canvases or wood panels.
  2. Paint: Student or better grade (Titanium White, Mars Black, Cobalt Blue, Cadmium Yellow, Cadmium Red, Sap Green, Alizarin Crimson, Yellow Ochre)
  3. #6 round acrylic brush
  4. Printers brayer
  5. Squeegee
  6. Sponge paint tool for varnish
  7. A water container- peanut butter jar, small bucket, etc.
  8. Paper Towels
  9. A paper palette pad or paper plates work well
  10. Palette knife
  11. Acrylic varnish: Gloss or Satin recommended
  12. Small sponge brush for varnish

Fred Lisaius


Fred Lisaius is a painter, sculptor, and a popular art teacher at Bellevue College, WA  (“Fred is perfect!”). Fred is represented by the Patricia Rovzar Gallery in Seattle, and his work is in many private and corporate collections.

From his statement:

The deeper I go into the forest the closer I feel to the truth. Off of the trail, there is a quiet calm where ideas can be contemplated and refined. In my paintings and my sculptures, I utilize the forum of nature to explore our relationship to the natural world and to each other.

Nuts & Bolts

  • This class is now available as a self-study class.
  • Immediately upon class signup, you will receive access to the class videos and corresponding materials.
  • A private Facebook group will be available for you to (optionally) share your artwork and enjoy and learn from the artwork of others. You may also email your teacher directly with questions or feedback.
  • You will have indefinite access to this class.
“I love Fred's teaching so much and always learn a lot from him! Thanks, Fred, for your enthusiastic style of teaching!” — Sherri M.
“Fun and informative!” — Elena N.
“Thank you, Fred, for giving us such a lovely tuition. ” — Dominique R.