Class Description

Painting Figures with Anne
Anne Marie Grgich shares her carved, figurative method of painting on canvas. This class is a sister class to her faces painting class using similar techniques, but continuing the adventure by creating a whole world and characters to inhabit it. The way Anne works is similar to writing a story in that her characters change and evolve as she paints them.
This is a very special class because Anne’s process is so free and easy and fun to do! It is a way of creating a finished piece of art that doesn’t feel like hard work.

Class Itinerary
Lesson 1 – Prepare Your Canvas; Drawing Exercise
Prepare your canvas with under-layers, and a fun drawing assignment!

Lesson 2 – White Incise Layer
Add a very thick layer of white paint and carve your design into it using a variety of tools.
Lesson 3 – Pens and Washes
Begin adding color with pens, markers, and washes of acrylic paint.
Lesson 4 – More Paint
Continue building overall color with paint; begin adding black and white details.
Lesson 5 – More Layers
Use Anne’s special technique of raising areas of the painting using gel medium and pulling everything together.
Lesson 6 – Details, Wax Crayons and Dorlands Wax
Last minute details, wax crayons, your signature and finish with a layer of cold wax.

Anne Marie Grgich
Born in Portland, Oregon in 1961, Anne Marie Grgich began making spontaneous art at the age of 15, mostly junk constructions and clandestine paintings in her family’s books. She first introduced collage into her work around 1988, but took it to a higher level in 1997 during a period of illness. After her recovery she began to produce collage paintings – images of people encountered over time in the street and in mind journeys that manifest themselves and recombine, according to her mood, in the process of creation. Over the past 30 years, Anne has been featured in numerous publications and exhibitions, and her books and paintings are in public and private collections worldwide.
Anne was mentioned in The New York Times in January 2018 and is exclusively exhibiting her prolific work with ZQ Art Gallery in NYC and New Jersey City (visit their site in April when they hold a huge international auction of her work!). Anne lives with her sweetheart and collaborator Steve Fisk, Seattle record producer. Together they create and support each other and live in the Ballard neighborhood.
See more of her work at
• One large canvas (18″x24″ or larger)
• large piece of drawing paper or sketch pad
• Acrylics
• Acrylic gel medium
(I use self-leveling gel or acrylic gel medium)
• Brushes: one larger flat one to coat varnish one for smaller tipped one
for detail and one to pull paint Medium flat paintbrush a “fitch fan” is
my favorite.
• Paper Towels
• Cold Wax Medium (Anne uses Dorland’s)
• Pens and markers of all kinds! Ballpoint pens (black or blue or whatever colors you have), Pencils
various colors, I like pinks, flesh tones, white, gray, turquoise, Black Sharpie or paint or felt pens you have around the house. Used Children’s Wax, Water, Color, and Oil Crayons, Copic markers… whatever you have laying around.
Nuts & Bolts
This class is NEW! The lessons will go live each Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday of the three-week class beginning March 17, 2020.
Class Schedule
Tues, March 17 – Lesson 1
Wed, March 18 – Lesson 2
Fri, March 20 – Lesson 3
Tues, March 24 – Lesson 4
Wed, March 25 – Lesson 5
Fri, March 27 – Lesson 6
A private Facebook group will be available for you to (optionally) share your artwork and enjoy and learn from the artwork of others. You may also email your teacher directly with questions or feedback. The group will open the Friday before class begins.
You will have indefinite access to this class.